Much of the practical work in philosophical practice and psychotherapy focuses on the bringing forward of experiential change in people’s lives. Modal Integrative Psychotherapy, which I am developing at this mid-late stage of my career, focuses on the role of philotherapeutic and pshychotherapeutic interventions in facilitating the switching between what modal logic calls ” possible worlds” or, as they are called in MIP, modal worlds. The change of modalities is more radical than just a change of attitude, which characterizes traditional psychotehrapy. Change in modalities shifts the conditions under which certain states of affairs, events and relationships may be possible, or impossible. Such a change deeply shakes the foundations of our experience. The paper is available here:
“Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: Collective action and humility in philosophical practice and psychotherapy”. Revue Romaine de Philosophie 68, 1: 183–194.,%20Nr.%201%EF%BB%BF,%202024/ALEKSANDAR%20FATI%C4%86,%20Climbing%20Jacob%E2%80%99s%20Ladder.pdf
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