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CV with a list of publications


Aleksandar Fatic




CURRENT TENURED POSITION (since February 2013):

Research Professor of Social Science, University of Belgrade (Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory) (



Professor of Philosophy, Singidunum University (Faculty of Media and Communications).



Masters course on Strategic Planning and Modern Technologies of Decision-Making

Masters course on Negotiation and Public Presentation

Masters and PhD supervisions



Director, Institute for Practical Humanities ( (Since February 2015).

National director or the training of psychotherapists in Modal Integrative Psychotherapy and in Philosophical Counselling (Since February 2015).

Fellow, Certified Practitioner and International Board Member of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association (APPA) ( (Since August 2011).



Founder of Modal Integrative Psychotherapy.



DATE OF BIRTH: 25/6/1967                                 

 NATIONALITIES: Serbian and Bosnian                                       


  1. Ethics
  2. Social and political philosophy,
  3. Philosophical practice

 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5672-7183

 SCOPUS ID: 44961055200







Australian National University Central European University Filozofski fakultet Beograd


Date: From (month/year)

          to (month/year)




1992–1993 1987–1992


Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained


Ph.D. Philosophy Postgraduate

European Studies

MPhil Philosophy



  Full time positions

Date: from (month/year)

          to (month/year)

September 2004 – February 2013, full time.
Location Belgrade, Serbia
Company Institute of International Politics and Economics
Position Senior Research Fellow through to the rank of Research Professor and Institute Director


Date: from (month/year)

          to (month/year)

September 1998 – September 2004
Location Prague, Czech Republic
Company Chrales University, Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies
Position Professor of Social Science


Date: from (month/year)

          to (month/year)

1996–1998, full time
Location Adelaide, Australia
Company University of South Australia
Position Senior Lecturer in International Studies



Major part time work

Date: from (month/year)

          to (month/year)

Starting September 2014, ongoing today
Location Belgrade, Serbia
Company Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University
Position Professor of Social Science. Head of Department of Applied Philosophy 2014-2016.


Date: from (month/year)

          to (month/year)

 January 2005 – December 2010
Location Belgrade, Serbia
Company Centre for Security Studies
Position Director and Lead Lecturer, Swedish-Serbian specialised programme for public officials: ‘Modern Anti-Corruption and Anti-Organised Crime Methodology’


Date: from (month/year)

          to (month/year)

January 2005–January 2007
Location Belgrade, Serbia
Company Diplomatic Academy of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Position Professor in Social Justice and Security; Member of the Governing Board of the Academy.


Date: from (month/year)

          to (month/year)

September 1998 – September 2002 (part time)
Location Prague, Czech Republic
Company Anglo-American College
Position Professor of Social Science


Date: from (month/year)

          to (month/year)

February 1995–January 1996
Location Hobart, Australia
Company University of Tasmania
Position Research Fellow in Jurisprudence
Description Research and lecturing in Jurisprudence and Legal Theory within the Law Faculty, University of Tasmania





  • American Philosophical Practitioners Association (APPA): Fellow and Certified Philosophical Counselor (
  • American Philosophical Association (APA), International Associate Member
  • Institute for Practical Humanities President (
  • Croatian Bioethics Society.
  • Independent Society of Economists, Belgrade, Associate Member.




  • Belgrade University High Council on Social Sciences.(Since 2014).
  • Belgrade University Professional Ethics Committee (2014–2017).






2026 (under contract —  manuscript delivery date 1 December 2025).

  • Philosophy of Llfe: Modal logic, psychotherapy and the good life. London: Anthem Press.

2025 (forthcoming).

  • Modal Integrative Psychotherapy: A Logical Integration of Psychotherapy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.


  • Inegrativna psihoterapija (Integrative Psychotherapy — in Serbian)

Belgrade: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade



  • The UN International Criminal Tribunals: Transition Without Justice?

Co-authorship with Klaus Bachmann. London: Routledge. (


  • Etika kriminalističko-obaveštajnog rada (The Ethics of Criminal Intelligence: A Comprehensive Approachin Serbian), Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, research funded by the Swedish Agency for International Development (SIDA),. Co-authored with Srđan Korać and Aleksandra Bulatović.


  • Etički standardi za kriminalističko-obaveštajni rad (Ethics Standards for Criminal Intelligence — in Serbian), with Srđan Korać and Aleksandra Bulatović, Institute for International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, research funded by the Swedish Agency for International Development (SIDA).


  • Uloga kazne u savremenoj poliarhičnoj demokratiji (The Social Role of Punishment in Polyarchic Democracy — in Serbian), Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade.


  • Reconciliation via the War Crimes Tribunal? (in English), Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, the UK.


  • Novi međunarodni odnosi (The New International Relations, in Serbian), Službeni list SRJ, Beograd.


  • Legal and political aspects of the Hague International War Crimes Tribunal (in English), with D. Prlja, CD-ROM edition, Association for the Study of Foreign Policy, Kotor, Montenegro, 1998.


  • Crime and social control in ‘Central’-Eastern Europe: A Guide to Theory and Practice, Ashgate, Aldershot, UK.


  • Punishment and restorative crime-handling: A social theory of trust, Ashgate, Aldershot, UK.






  • Denkformen, Dragan Jakovljević ― Institute for Philosophy, Philosophy Faculty, University of Montenegro, Nikšić.


  • With Božidar Banović: Društveni aspekti organizovanog kriminala (The Social Aspects of Organised Crime — in Serbian), Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade.


  • Pitanje Kosova (The Issue of Kosovo, in Serbian), Institute of International Politics and Economics.


  • Security in Southeastern Europe, Centre for Security Studies, Belgrade, funded by the Royal Netherlands Government.
  • Problemi srpske politike (Issues of Serbian politics, in Serbian), Centre for Security Studies, Belgrade.




  • “The vagaries of restorative justice: Borders between restorative justice and justice as punishment”. In Milena Milićević, Ivana Stevanović and Ljeposava Ilijić (eds.). Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Life in Prison: Criminological, Penological, Psychological, Sociological, Legal, Security, and Medical Issues”: 85–91. Belgrade: Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research. Co-authorship with Aleksandra Bulatović.
  • “The family as an ethical category”. With Bezad Hadžić, Theoria 67, 4: 63–79.




  • ‘In defence of integrative violence: How can philosophical practice augment organic social control?’. Synthesis Philosophica, 36, 1: 109‒124.
  • ‘The modal world of integrative philosophical counseling II’. Synthesis Philosophica, 36, 1: 3‒12.
  • ‘The language game of Europe: Politics, identity and the divided subject’. IRCEP (Interdisciplinary Research in Counseling, Ethics and Philosophy). 1, 1: 9‒20.
  • The epistemic value of politeness as a virtue’. In Chaocun Xie (ed.), The Philosophy of (Im)Politeness: Advances in (Im)Politeness Studies. Springer: 115–136.
  • ‘An Ethics-Based ‘Identity-Proof’ of God’s Existence: An ontology for philotherapy’. Philosophy and Society 32, 3: 428–438.

DOISerbia – An ethics-based ‘identity-proof’ of god’s existence. An ontology for philotherapy – Fatić, Aleksandar (

  • ‘Value identities: Personality as an ecology of values’. (Ценность идентичностей:личность как экология ценностей). СОЦИУМ И ВЛАСТЬ. 2, 2021: 18‒35.
  • ‘Moralna normativnost i duševno zdravlje: lakanovsko razumevanje neuroze i psihoze u svetlu integrativne terapije’ (with Aleksandra Bulatović). In Borislav Mikulić, Mislav Žitko and Srđan Damnjanović (eds). Psihoanaliza i njezine sudbine: 201–216. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Philosophy.



  • ‘Accepting the political face of international criminal justice’, with Klaus Bachmann. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 57: June 2019: 26–35.
  • ‘The moral-therapeutic meaning of the dialectics of God-centredness and human/centredness in St. Justin Popovi Popović’ (in Serbian: “Moralno-terapeutski smisao dijalektike bogocentričnosti i čovekocentričnosti kod Svetog Justina Popovića”). In Vladimir Cvetković and Bogdan Lubardić (eds).  The thought and Mission of St. Justine Popović (Misao i misija Svetog Justina Popovića). Belgrade: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory: 163‒178.
  • ‘Predodžba i patologija u filozofiji i psihoterapiji’(‘Representation and pathology in philosophy and psychotherapy’). Filozofska istraživanja (Philosophical Investigations, Zagreb) 39, 1: 33‒47.
  • ‘Can memory erasure contribute to a virtuous tempering of emotions?’ Filozofija i društvo (Philosophy and Society) 30, 2: 257‒268.
  • ‘Soft principles of transition in relations between Belgrade and Priština: What is a normalisation?’ („Meki principi tranzicije u odnosima Beograda i Prištine: Šta podrazumeva normalizacija?“ — in Serbian). In Jasna Filipović and Milan Igrutinović (eds). Three scenarios for the relations between Serbia and Kosovo and the security of Eastern Europe (Tri scenarija odnosa Srbije i Kosova i bezbednost istočne Evrope — in Serbian): 11–30. Belgrade: Centre for Applied European Studies.


  • ‘Introduction: Transitional justice as conflict resolution’. In Aleksandar Fatic, Klaus Bachmann and Igor Lyubashenko (eds), Transitional justice in troubled societies. London: Rowman and Littlefield International: 1–57.
  • ‘Why drones are operationally and technically special in the context of international relations’ (“Etičke i operativne specifičnosti ofanzivnih dronova u kontekstu međunarodnih odnoosa“ — in Serbian). In Zaklina Novicic (ed.), Use of force in international relations: 121–136. Belgrade: Institute for International Politics and Economics.
  • ‘On a temporary, transitional judiciary’ (“Pravosudje u Srbiji je tranziciono, privremeno” — in Serbian), Kultura polisa 15, 37: 205–222.
  • ‘Law as decency: On the emotional sources of law’ (“Pravo kao pristojnost — o emocionalnoj uslovljenosti prava” — in Serbian). In Aleksandar Fatic, Petar Bojanic and Igor Cvejic (eds). On Law and related topics: 63–80. Belgrade: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory (in Serbian).
  • ‘Targetted killing with drones? Old arguments, new technologies: Responses toTamar Meisels’. With A. Pavlovic, C . Burell et al. Philosophy and Society 29, 1: 17–33.
  • ‘Economics and morality: How to reconcile economic thinking with broader social thinking’. With Mrdjan Mladjen. In Ljumovic, Isidora and Andrea Elteto (eds). Sustainable growth and development in small open economices: 199–217. Belgrade and Budapest: Institute of Economic Science and Institute of World Economics.


  • ‘The ethics of drone warfare’. Philosophy and Society XXVII, 2: 349–364.
  • ‘Friendship with the company: Building corporate leadership through humanistic consultancy’. In Lydia Amir (ed.), Philosophical practice: New frontiers, expanding boundaries: 230–242. Newscastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
  • ‘Thaddeus Metz: Meaning in life — An analytic study. Review’ Philosophy and Society 28, 4: 1195–1196.
  • ‘Psychotherapy, philosophy, and the personal narrative’. Theoria 60: 32–41. (In Serbian).
  • ‘The new military technology and Christian military ethics’. In Borislav Grozdic (ed.) War and Christianity: 105–124. Belgrade: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory (in Serbian).


  • The methodology of philosophical practice: Eclecticism and/or integrativeness?’. Philosophia 44, 4: 1419–1438.
  • „Popularne zablude o organizovanom kriminalu“ (‘The popular misconceptions about organized crime’) in Jovan Ćirić (ed.) Suzbijanje organizovanog kriminala kao preduslov vladavine prava (Fighting organized crime and the rule of law): 103–120. Belgrade and Munich: Institute for Comparative Law and Hanss Seidel Stiftung.  .


  • ‘The epistemology of intelligence ethics’. In Jai Galliot and Warrren Reed (eds). Ethics and the Future of Spying: Technology, National Security and Intelligence Collection: 39–52. London: Routledge. (
  • ‘Introduction’. In Aleksandar Fatić and Lydia Amir (eds). Practicing Philosophy: 1–3. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
  • ‘Narativna koncepcija ličnog i kolektivnog identiteta’ (‘The narrative concept of individual and collective identity’ — in Serbian). Kultura polisa 12, 26: 103–118 (
  • ’The trasnactional aspect of philosophical counseling’. In Aleksandar Fatić and Lydia Amir (eds). Practicing Philosophy. Cambridge Scholars Press: 303–314.
  • With Lydia Amir: ‘Introduction‘. In Aleksandar Fatić and Lydia Amir, Practicing Philosophy, Cambridge Scholars Press: 1–3.
  • ‘Tasks for Dreaming: The Somatic Cognition of Emotions in Moral Judgement‘. In Michael Noah Weiss (ed.) The Socratic Handbook: Methods and Manuals for Philosophical Practice and Applied Ethics: 67–82. Oslo: Lit Publishing:
  • ‘Vrednosni narativ u moralnom opravdanju međunarodne intervencije’ (‘The value narrative in the moral justification of international interventions’). Kultura polisa 12, 1: 1–22 (


  • ‘Pleasure in Epicurean and Christian Orthodox conceptions of happiness’ (with Dimitrios Dentsoras), South African Journal of Philosophy 33, 4: 523–536.
  •  ‘Ascetic ethics as a methodologically eclectic ethics’, Theoria 57: 87–106.
  • ‘The intentionality of madness: Checking the cognitive issues in DSM—based diagnosis’, Philosophy and Society, XXV, 2: 204‒216.

  • ‘The Christian understanding of politics’ (“Hrišćansko shvatanje politike”). Kultura polisa 11, 24: 109–127.
  • ‘Philosophical practice as a new paradigm in philosophy’. Philosophical Practice 9, 3: 1411‒1412.
  • ‘Philosophical practice as a philosophical way of life’ (Filozofska praksa kao način filozofskog života“). Treći program no. 161–162: 5–16. Cobiss ID:
  • ‘Epicurean ethics in the pragmatist philosophical counsel’. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 22.1: 63–77.


  • ‘Corruption, corporate character-formation and ‘value-strategy’, Philosophy and Society XXIV, 1: 60–80.
  • ‘Projecting “The Good Life” in philosophical counseling’, Philosophical Practice, 8, 3: 1242–52.
  • ‘Epicurean ethics as a foundation for philosophical counseling’, Philosophical Practice, New York 8, 1, March: 1127–1141.
  • ‘Love and sympathy: A legacy of Max Scheler’. In Gary Peters and Fiona Peters (eds), Thoughts of Love: 155–175. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
  • “Religiozno verovanje i modaliteti tolerancije u liberalnom društvu“ (‘Religious Faith and the Modalities of Tolerance in a Liberal Society’), Theoria, 56, 1: 59−78.
  • ‘Sympathy and intentionality in practical philosophy: Scheler and Searle’. In Aleksandar Fatić (ed.), Denkformen: pp. 126–143. Nikšić: University of Montenegro
  • ‘’External’ and ‘Internal’ strategies to control corruption: The role of ethics in fostering the integrity of the public administration’. In Jovan Ćirić (ed.), Borba protiv korupcije (Fighting Corruption): 31–46. Belgrade: Institute for Comparative Law.
  • „Korupcija i moć u javnoj upravi: kontrolni model integriteta“ (‘Corruption and Power in Public Administration: The Model of Integrity Controls’). In Marina Blagojević and Zoran Stevanović (eds), Prevencija kriminala i socijalnih devijacija: evropska i regionalna dobra praksa (The Prevention of Crime and Social Deviations: European and Regional Best Practice): I83–98. Belgrade: Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research.
  • “Albanska etnopolitička strategija na Balkanu“ (‘The Albanian Ethnopolitical Strategy in the Balkans’). In Dragan Đukanović and Vladimir Trapara (eds). Srbija u jugoistočnoj Evropi (Serbia in Southeastern Europe): 316−332. Belgrade: Institute of International Politics and Economics.


  • ‘The ethics of the Russian-Serbian energy embrace’. In Jouni Jarvinen and Emma Hakala (eds). Energy Security and Environment in the Western Balkans: 156–165. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications, University of Helsinki.
  • With Markku Kivinen, ‘Russia–Finland, Russia—Serbia’. In Jouni Jarvinen and Emma Hakala (eds). Energy Security and Environment in the Western Balkans: 132–155. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications, University of Helsinki.
  • ‘A sympathy-driven diplomatic ethics’. Review of International Affairs LXIII, 1146: 5–22.
  • “Fenomen ‘de-suverenizacije’ evroazijskog i balkanskog prostora u bezbednosnoj perspektivi” (‘The ‘de-sovereignisation’ of Euroasia and the Balkans in a security perspective’ — in Serbian), Međunarodna politika LXIII, 1145: 16–30.
  • The problem of truth in war crimes trials’ (with Aleksandra Bulatović), Međunarodni problemi (International Problems) LXVI, 1: 34–52.
  • “Ograničenja pravnog regulisanja ekstremizacije desnice u Velikoj Britaniji” (‘Limitations to the legal regulation of the extreme right in Great Britain’), Strani pravni život 2: 47–55.
  • ‘The Albanian national project between ethno-politics and Europeanization’. Review of International Affairs LXIII, 1148: 5–24.


  • ‘Empathy in Diplomacy’ (with Srđan Korać and Aleksandra Bulatović). Review of International Affairs LXII, 1142: 5–13.
  • “Konstitucionalna koncepcija suvereniteta” (‘The constitutional concept of sovereignty’ — in Serbian), in Dragan Đukanović and Ivona Lađevac (eds). Srbija i međunarodne organizacije (Serbia and International Organisations): 13–29. Belgrade: Institute of International Politics and Economics.
  • ‘Promoting stability and the rule of law in the EU
    borderlands’, in Elzibietta Stadtmueller and Klaus Bachmann (eds). The
    EU’s Shifting Borders
    : 137–148. London: Routledge.
  • ‘Serbia’s strategic dilemma: Between NATO and Russia’ (“Strateška dilema Srbije — između NATO-a i Rusije“, in Mirjana Kosić (ed.), New Serbia, new NATO: A Future Vision for the 21st Century (Nova Srbija, novi NATO — između NATO-a i Rusije): 221–230. Belgrade: Trans-Conflict.
  • “Metode i tehnike kriminalističko-obaveštajne analize u svetlu pitanja o integritetu analitičara” (‘Methods and techniques of criminal-intelligence analysis in light of the analyst’s integrity’ — in Serbian), Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review), vol. V, no. 1, pp. 24–38.
  • “Kriminalističko-obaveštajni rad i tradicija građanskih i ljudskih prava” (‘Criminal intelligence within a tradition of civil and human rights’ — in Serbian), in Aleksandar Fatić with Božidar Banović (eds), Društveni aspekti organizovanog kriminala (The social aspects of organized crime), Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 11–22.
  • “Korupcija i moć u javnoj upravi” (‘Corruption and power in public administration’ — in Serbian), in Aleksandar Fatić with Božidar Banović (eds), Društveni aspekti organizovanog kriminala (The social aspects of organized crime), Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 305–322.


  • ‘A Strategy Based on Doubt: Russia Courts Southeast Europe’, Contemporary Security Policy, vol. 31, no. 3, December, pp. 441–464.
  • ‘Sympathy as Dynamic Social Capital’, Review of International Affairs LXI, 1138–39, April–September:. 197–205.
  • ‘On killing’ (“O ubistvu”). The Security Review (Revija za bezbednost) 4, 3: 274–287 (in Serbian).
  • “Prava i slobode u liberalnoj i u komunitarnoj perspektivi” (‘Rights and Liberties in the Liberal and Communitarian Perspectives’ — in Serbian), co-authorship with Mina Zirojević. In Zoran Kalinić (ed.). Ljudska prava i slobode (Human rights and liberties): 157−167. Banja Luka: Independent University of Banja Luka.
  • „Strukturno nasilje kao lice i naličje nepravde“ (‘Structural Violence as a Face of Injustice’, in Serbian). in Gordana Živković (ed.). Srbija u predvorju Evropske unije — iskušenja i moguće ishodište (Serbia in the EU’s Waiting Room: Tempatations and the Likely Outcomes): 209–234. Belgrade: Institute of European Studies.
  • “Nezakonita obaveštajna operativa” (‘Illegal Intelligence Operations’, in Serbian). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 4, 2: 150–166.
  •  „Generičke karakteristike organozovanog kriminala i predrasude o „definicijama“ (‘Generic Features of Organised Crime and Prejudicial Definitions’, in Serbian). In Dragan Đukanović & Sandro Knezović (eds). Srbija i regionalna saradnja (Serbia in a Regional Cooperation) 185–198. Belgrade: Institute of International Politics and Economics.
  •  “Organizovani criminal kao predložak za kontrolnu politiku” (‘Organised Crime as a Pretext for Aggressive Control Policy’, in Serbian). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 4, 1: 61–88.
  • “Uticaj tranzicionih i strukturnih reformi na stanje unutrašnjeg legitimiteta i structure vrednosti” (‘The Influence of Transitional and Structural Reforms on Internal Legitimacy and Structure of Values in a Society’, in Serbian). Međunarodni problemi (International Problems) LVII, 1:  65–78.


  • ‘Structural Features of Modern Diplomatic Methodology’. Review of International Affairs LX, 1134, July–September: 5–17.
  • “Evropski aspekti kontrole organizovanog kriminala” (‘EU-relevant aspects of national crime control policy’, in Serbian). In Duško Dimitrijević and Ivona Lađevac (eds). Proširenje EU na zapadni Balkan (EU expansion to the Western Balkans): 119–131. Belgrade: Institute of International Politics and Economics.
  • “Bezbednosna funkcija pravednosti” (‘The role of justice in the concept of security’, in Serbian). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 3, 11: 51–55.
  • “Funkcionalno pitanje lustracije“ (‘Lustration’, in Serbian), Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) III, 9: 39–47.
  • “Korupcija u nauci kroz aktuelni zakon o naučnoistraživačkoj delatnosti” (‘Is there  Corruption in Research’, in Serbian). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review), 3, 8: 49–57.
  • “Bezbednosne posledice ekonomske krize”(‘The Security Consequences of the Global Economic Crisis’, in Serbian). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 3, 7: 18–26.
  • “Politička i institucionalna legitimizacija kriminala” (‘Conditions for the Political and Institutional Legitimisation of Crime’, in Serbian), Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 3, 5: 40–48.
  • ‘European Security as an Issue of Coherence: A Perspective on the Western Balkans’. In Edita Stojić-Karanović & Ivona Lađevac (eds). Japan and Serbia: Contemporary Issues: 32–47. Belgrade: Institute of International Politics and Economics.
  • “Karakteristike novog bezbednosnog ustrojstva Evrope ― usmeravanje Zapadnog Balkana”, (‘Elements of a New Security Constellation in Europe: Navigating the Western Balkans’, in Serbian). Vojno delo (The Military Review) LXI, 1: 15–32.
  • “Bezbednosni identitet” (‘The Security Identity’, in Serbian). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 3, 4: 5–19.
  • “Formulisanje strategije borbe protiv organizovanog kriminala u svetlu evropske integracije Srbije” (‘Formulating an Anti-Organised Crime Strategy as Part of Serbia’s European Integration’, in Serbian). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 3, 3: 17–26..
  •  “Antikorupcijska agencija u kontekstu sistemske korupcije” (‘The Anti-Corruption Agency in a Context of Systemic Corruption’, in Serbian). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 3, 2: 25–30.
  •  “Prisluškivanjem do bezbednosti” (‘Eavesdropping to Security’, in Serbian), Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 3, 1: 5–18.


  • ‘The social and cognitive roles of sympathy. South-East Europe Review 11, 2: 257–75.
  •  ‘On the limits of guilt and responsibility in war’. Review of International Affairs, LIX, 1130, April–September: 41–49.
  • ‘A passion for justice: Emotions and the origin of the social contract’ (review). Review of International Affairs LIX, 1130. April–September: 56–59.
  •  (with Aleksandra Bulatović), ‘Justice and Reconciliation in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia’. Međunarodni problemi (International Problems) LX, 1: 31–46.
  • “Politička korupcija” (‘Political Corruption’, in Serbian). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 2, 12: 29–33..
  • „Problemi sa zatvorskom politikom liberalnog društva“ (‘An Imprisonment Policy Controversy’, in Serbian). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 2, 4: 42–47.
  • “Istine i zablude o efektima obaveštajnog rada“ (‘The Truth and Prejudice About the Effectiveness of Criminal Intelligence’). Revija za bezbednost (The Security Review) 2, 9: 26–31.


  • ‘What has Happened to Firstborn Social Theory: The Social Contract?’. South-East Europe Review 10, 3: 121–131.
  • ‘Centralisation of Intelligence Agencies and the Role of Private Intelligence’ (with Aleksandra Bulatović). In Paolo Raffone (ed.). The New Security Architecture for Europe: Are There New Security Enclosures?: 10–20. Brussels: CIPI Foundation,


  • ‘Fairness in Modern Democracy: Notions Romantic and Political’. Review of International Affairs LVII, 1123–1124: 27–37.
  • “Principi bezbednosne organizacije zaštićenih zona na Kosmetu” (‘Principles of security organization of the protected zones in Kosovo’). In Aleksandar Fatić (ed.). Pitanje Kosmeta (The Issue of Kosovo and Metohija): 57–76. Belgrade: Institute of International Politics and Economics.
  • “Kosmet kao presedan” (‘Kosovo as a Precedent Case’). In Aleksandar Fatić (ed.). Pitanje Kosmeta (The Issue of Kosovo and Metohija): 5–9. Belgrade: Institute of International Politics and Economics.
  • ‘Political violence as a value problem for foreign policy’. Međunarodni problemi (International Problems) LVIII, 3: 213–232.
  • “Prisustvo terorističkih organizacija na Kosmetu” (‘The presence of terrorist organizations in Kosovo and Metohija’). Međunarodna politika (International Politics), no. 1120–1121:  9–11. In Serbian.
  • “Uloga organizovanog kriminala kao prekograničnog problema u Jugoistočnoj Evropi” (‘The role of organized crime as a trans-border problem in Southeastern Europe’). In Vladimir Grečić (ed.). Politika viza i zapadni Balkan (Visa policy and the Western Balkans): . 47−64. Belgrade: Institute of International Politics and Economics, European Movement in Serbia, Group 484. In Serbian.


  • “Sadržaj i perspektive antiterorističke strategije SAD u drugom mandatu Džordža Buša — implikacije za jugoistočnu Evropu” (‘The Contents and Prospects of the US Anti-Terrorism Strategy during the Second Mandate of President George W. Bush — Implications for Southeastern Europe’), Vojno delo (The Military Review) LVI, 4: 42–70 (in Serbian).
  • “Korupcija i kriminalna devijacija” (‘Corruption as a form of criminal deviation’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): 3–44. Belgrade: The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • “Međunarodna dimenzija korupcije” (‘The international dimension of corruption’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): 45–68. Belgrade:: The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • “Strukturna osnova korupcije” (‘The structural roots of corruption’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): 69–90. Belgrade: The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • “Korupcija i javna moć” (‘Corruption and the power of public office’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): 91–146. Belgrade: The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • “Osnovni principi etike i javna služba” (‘The main principles of ethics in the public service’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): 147–180, Belgrade: The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • “Institucionalna lojalnost i problem odavanja poslovnih tajni” (‘Institutional loyalty versus insider trading’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): 287–310, Belgrade: The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • “Duvanje u pištaljku (‘Whistleblowing’)” (‘Whistleblowing’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): 311–328, Belgrade:: The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • “Vraćanje lopte (‘Kickbacks’)” (‘Kickbacks’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): 329–46. The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • “Službena neposlušnost” (‘Official disobedience’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): 347–76. Belgrade: The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • “Etička odgovornost u pravnom zastupanju” (‘Ethical responsibility in legal representation’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): 377–92. Belgrade: The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • “Profesionalizacija kao dominacija” (‘Professionalisation as domination’). In Dobrivoje Radovanović & Aleksandra Bulatović (eds). Korupcija (Corruption): Belgrade: The Management Centre and Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research (in Serbian).
  • ”Osnovni aspekti borbe protiv organizovanog kriminala na Balkanu” (‘Main Facets of Anti-Organised Crime Policy in the Balkans’). Međunarodni problemi (International Problems) LVII, 1–2: 71–99 (in Serbian).
  • “Privredni i organizovani kriminal u Istočnoj Evropi” (‘Economic and organised crime in Eastern Europe’). In Slobodan Perović (ed.). Aktuelna pitanja savremenog zakonodavstv — Zbornik radova sa Savetovanja pravnika 6–10. jun 2005: 137–44.  Budva: Savez udruženja pravnika Srbije & Udruženje pravnika Crne Gore (in Serbian).


  • ‘The criminal syndicate as a para-state in the Balkans: is the ‘New War-Making Criminal Entity’ a reality?’. South-East Europe Review 7, 4: 137–156.
  • ‘Security Threats in Southeastern Europe and Ways to Respond to Them’. In Aleksandar Fatić (ed.). Security in Southeastern Europe: 1–28. Belgrade: Security Policy Group, The Management Centre.
  • “Organizovani kriminal i obrisi nove strukture bezbednosti u jugoistočnoj Evropi” (‘Organised Crime and the New European Secuity Architecture’), Međunarodni problemi (International Problems) LVI, 1: 56–78 (in Serbian).
  • “Uloga i struktura organizvanog kriminala u jugoistočnoj Evropi” (‘The Role and Structure of Organised Crime in Southeastern Europe’), The Pulse. March–April: 1–8 (in Serbian).
  • “Veze između organizovanog kriminala i politike“ (‘Links Between Organised Crime and Politics’). The Pulse. March–April: 9–14 (in Serbian).
  • ‘The Anti-Corruption and Anti-Organised Crime Policy in Serbia: Regional Implications and Exemplifications’, Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 4,  2: 315–24.


  • ‘Serbian Prime Minister Assassinated: Organised Crime Proclaimed the Prime Security Threat’. South-East Europe Review 5, 4: 7–15..
  • ‘State Capture in the Balkans: Corruption and the International Organisations’. South-East Europe Review  6, 1­–2:. 117–21.
  • “Proširenje NATO-a i odnosi Srbije i Crne Gore sa Bugarskom i Rumunijom“ (‘NATO Expansion and Serbia and Montenegro’s Relations With Bulgaria and Romania’. Međunarodni problemi (International Problems) LV, 2: 223–36 (in Serbian).
  • ‘Korruption/Organisiertes Verbrechen: Bekmpfung erst in Kinderschuhen’, Ost-West Gegeinformationen 15, 1: 30–34 (in German).
  • ”Korupcija i klijentelizam u Srbiji” (‘Corruption and Clientelism in Serbia’). Glasnik advokatske komore Vojvodine (The Vojvodina Law Bar Gazette) . LXXV, 7–8: 264–80 (in Serbian).


  • ‘Membership of Serbia and Montenegro in Partnership for Peace’ (“Članstvo Srbije i Crne Gore u “Partnerstvu za mir”). Pravni život (Legal Life) IV, 12: 303–314 (in Serbian).
  • “Korupcija srednjeg obima” (‘Mid-Level Corruption’). Ekonomska politika (Economic Policy) no. 2621, July: 30–31 (in Serbian).
  • “Mesto Međunarodnog krivičnog tribunala za bivšu Jugoslaviju u savremenoj diplomatiji” (‘The place of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in contemporary diplomacy’). Međunarodni problemi (International Problems) LIV, 1–2: 48–72.
  • “Srbija i Crna Gora u Partnerstvu za mir” (‘Serbia and Montenegro towards a Partnership for Peace’). Ekonomska politika (Economic policy), no. 2625, 12 August«: 24–27 (in Serbian).
  • ‘Conventional and unconventional — ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ security: the distinction’. South-East Europe Review  5, 3: 93–98.
  • “Policijski rad u demokratskom društvu i autonomija institucija” (‘Policing and institutional autonomy in a democracy’). Sudska praksa (Judicial Practice) XXII, 1: 55–6 (in Serbian).
  • ‘Crime, corruption, and social stability., UNDP Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Report, Challenges of implementing the Reform Agenda: One year after the democratic breakthroug: 87–95. Belgrade: United Nations Development Program.
  • ‘A lack of ethical politics’. Interview. South-East Europe Review 4, 4: 151–160.


  • ‘Die Übergangskrise in Serbien: Einige Thesen’. Ost-West Gegeninformationen, 13, 3: VII–XIII (in German).
  • ”Privredni i organizovani kriminal” (‘Economic and Organised crime in Eastern Europe’, in Serbian). Ekonomika XXXVII, 6: 150–60 (in Serbian).


  • ‘Serbien nach der Revolution: Stimmen aus Serbien zur Zukunft der BRJ’. Südost-Europa 49, 11/12: 553–564 (in German).
  • ‘Stability and Corruption in South-Eastern Europe’. South-East Europe Review 3, 4: 61–72.
  • “Transatlantizam i raspodela moći” (‘The Trans-Atlantic Politics and New Models of the Social Distribution of Power’, in Serbian). Međunarodni problemi (International Problems) LII, 4: 331–349.
  • ‘Insecurity in the Serbian Society and the Role of the Stability Pact’. South-East Europe Review 3, 4: 113­–128.
  • ‘Auf dem Weg zur offenen Diktatur?’ (‘Towards and Open Dictatorship?’). Ost-West Gegeninformationen 12, 2: II–VI (in German).
  • “Diplomatski aspekti bezbednosti u postbipolarnom poretku” (‘The Diplomatic Aspects of Security in the post-Cold War International Order’). In Vadimir Greči, (ed.). Postbipolarni svet i Jugoslavija (The post-bipolar World and FR Yugoslavia): 222–227. Belgrade:  Institute of International Politics and Economics.
  • “Političko nasilje u međunarodnim odnosima i problemi ‘propalih država’: Uvod” (‘Political Violence and ‘Failed States’: An Introduction’), in Aleksandar Fatic (ed.). Problemi srpske politike (Issues of Serbian politics): pp 9–36. Belgrade: Centre for Security Studies


  • ‘Organised crime in eastern Europe’. Southeast Europe Review 2, 1: 77–86.
  • ‘NATO expansion and Balkan testing grounds’// With Milan Popović. Peace and Security XXXI, December: 36–42.
  • ‘Kosovo: Testfall fur Stabilitat in Sudosteuropa’ (‘Kosovo: A Test Case for South-Eastern European Stability’). Ostwest–Geneninformationen 11, 2: XVII–XXIII (in German).
  • ‘Eine putschbedrohte demokratische Schimäre?’. Interview. Ost-West Gegeninformationen 11, 1: I–IV (in German).


  • ‘The Montenegrin Transition: A Test Case’. Southeast Europe Review 1, 4:. 31–34.
  • “Razlozi za osnivanje Haškog tribunala” (“Reasons for the Sstablishment of the Hague Tribunal”). With Aleksandra Đorđević. Pravni život IV, 12: 471–482.
  • ‘Modern diplomacy in the Balkans’. Montenegro Journal of Foreign Policy. III, 1: 61–76.
  • ‘Crimes and Responsibility in a Civil War’. The Criminologist XII, 3: 71–89.
  • ‘NATO Expansion in a Ghastly Light’. Peace and Security XXX, March: 36–40.


  • ‘The New Exclusivity in International Relations’. International Problems XLIX, 2–3: 193–205.
  • ‘Will there be an instability in China’. Review of International Affairs XLVIII, 1056: 28–30.
  • “Još jednom o smrtnoj kazni” (‘Once Again on the Death Penalty’). Sudska praksa (Judicial practice) XVII, 5: 63–65 (in Serbian).
  • “Razvojna kriza centralno-istočne Evrope u periodu postkomunizma” (‘The Developmental Crisis of Central-Eastern Europe During Post-Communism’). Socijalna politika i socijalni rad (Social Policy and Social Work) XXXIII, 3: 41–57 (in Serbian).
  • “Kriminal i političke promene u Češkoj” (‘Crime and political changes in the Czech Republic’). Socijalna politika i socijalni rad (Social Policy and Social Work) XXXIII, 1–2: 23–37 (in Serbian).
  • ‘Psychopathy: Cognitive Aspects and Criminal Responsibility’. The Criminologist. XXI, 2: 66–75.
  • ‘Criminal responsibility and personality disorder’. Arhiv za pravne i drustvene nauke’(The Law and Social Sciences Archive) LXXXIII, 2: 279–290 (in Serbian).
  • “Država, pravda i društvena kontrola” (‘The State, Justice, and Social Controls’). Pravni život III: 893–900 (in Serbian).
  • ‘Kosovo and Eastern European Integration: Solving and Indigestible Problem’. Danubius VI, 3–4: 21–26.


  • “Socijalna dimenzija krize u centralno-istočnoj Evropi’” (‘The Social Crisis of Central-Eastern Europe’). Međunarodna politika (International Politics) XLVII, 1049: 26–30.
  • ‘Retribution in democracy’. In Steven Esquith (ed.). Political dialogue: Theories and practice: 335–355. Atlanta and Amsterdam: Rodopi Press (Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science and the Humanities).
  • “Pitanje korektivne promene i krivično pravni sistem” (‘The Issue of Correctional Change and the Criminal Justice System’). Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine (Vojvodina Bar Association Journal) LXVI, 10: 386–400.
  • ‘Hegelian Retribution Re-Examined’. Philosophical Inquiry XXIV, 3–4: 30–48.
  • ‘Criminal Policy in a Post-Communist Transition’. The Criminologist XX, 3: 183–91.
  • “Kriminal i međunarodni odnosi u srednjoistočnoj Evropi” (‘The Impact of Crime on International Relations in Central-Eastern Europe’). Sudska praksa (Judicial practice) XVI, 12: 14–20.
  • “Nova mafija u istočnoj Evropi” (‘The New Mafia in Central-Eastern Europe’), Sudska praksa (Judicial Practice) XVI, 10:
  • 50–54.




  • Conference: „Prison life: Time to restore trust“. Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research. 2–3 December 2024. Plenary lecture, with Aleksandra Bulatovic: „The vagaries of restorative justice: Borders between restorative justice and justice and punishment“.
  • Conference: “The ethical problems of human-machine interaction by using UAVs”. Institute of Social Strategy, Germany. Institut für Sozialstrategie – die globale Zivilgesellschaft mitgestalten! ( June 2024. Presentation title: “The ethics of drone warfare”.
  • 8th anual conference: „Biethics and the Aporia of Psyche“ 2024. Zagreb, Croatia. 9-10 May 2024. Presentation title: „The meaning and application of empathy in psychotherapy“.
  • Conference: „Overcoming together the horrors of war: Experience of Post-Yugoslav states and Ukraine“. Ukranian Catholic University, Lvov, Ukraine. 17-18 April 2024. Presentation title: „Collective action in reconciliation“. International Conference “Overcoming Together the Horrors of War: Experience of Post-Yugoslav States and Ukraine” – Institute of Ecumenical Studies (
  • Conference: 17th International Conference of Philosophical Practitioners. Timisoara, Romania, 5-8 June 2023. Presentation title: Trauma, excuses and therapy.
  • Conference: ‘Bioethics and Aporia of the Psyche‘, organized by the Croatian Bioethics Society and Philosophy Faculty, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 4-6 May 2023. Presentation title: ‘Normalcy’.
  • Conference: ‘Hermes and Psyche’ (‘Hermes i Psiha’). Croatian Bioethics Society and Faculty of Philosophy, University of Osijek, held in Osijek, 16–17 November 2022. Lecture title: ‘Education as therapy in the age of narcissism’.
  • Conference: ‘Knowledge and Freedom’, organized by the Institute for the Study of Culture and Christianity, Belgrade, 12–13 October 2022. Presentation title: ‘Normalcy and socialization: A Lacanian understanding of freedom’.
  • Conference: ‘Why still education? organized by Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 5–7 October 2022. Presentation title: ‘Reinventing education as therapy in the age of narcissism’.
  • Conference: ‘Bioethics and Aporia of the Psyche‘, organized by the Croatian Bioethics Society and Philosophy Faculty, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 4-6 May 2022. Presentation title: ‘Narcissism’.
  • Conference ‘Philosophical practice for self-knowledge by means of intellectual creativity’. organised by South Ural State University, St. Petersburgh, Russia, 27‒30 July 2021. Lecture title: ‘How could they have done such a thing: On psychopathy’.
  • Conference: 5th Annual ‘Aporia of the Psyche’ conference, organised by the Croatian Bioethics Society, University of Zagreb, 7-8 May 2021. Plenary lecture: ‘Anxiety’.
  • Conference: Thought and Mission of St. Justin Popovic, organised by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, 10 May 2019. Presentation title: ‘The moral-therapeutic meaning of St. Justin’s dialectics of godliness and humanity’.
  • Conference: Post-digital Age: Media, Business, Technology, Trust, organised by the Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade, 18 February 2019. Presentation: Trust.

  • Conference: ‘Bioethics and Aporia of Psyche’, organised by the Centre for Integrative Bioethics and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 22–24 November 2018. Plenary lecture: ‘Representation and pathology in philosophy and psychotherapy’.
  • Conference: ‘Assymetry and Strategy’, organised by the Military Academy, School of National Defence of Serbia with the Ministry of Defence. Belgrade, 18 October 2017. Invited commentary on papers presented within the panel: ‘The concept of asymetric threats’.
  • Conference: ‘Sustainable Growth in Small Open Economies’. Institute of Economic Sciences. Belgrade, 26 October 2017. Paper (co-authored with Mladjan Mrdjan): ‘Economics and morality: How to reconcile economic thinking and broader social thinking’.
  • Conference: ‘Use of Force in International Relations’. Institute of International Politics and Economics. Belgrade, 1 November 2017. Paper: ‘The ethical and operational features of predator drones’.
  • Conference: ‘Strategies of development and economic cooperation of small countries in the age of globalization and regional integration’, organized by the Academy of arts and sciences of Republika Srpska. Banja Luka, 16 and 17 November 2017. Paper: ‘Structural unemployment and the bandwagoning strategy of small countries’.
  • 6th Annual Congress of the Union of Associations of Psychotherapists. Plenary lecture: ‘Narrative identity and the moral descriptions of personality disorders in DSM IV’. 20‒23 October 2016.
  • Conference ‘Politics of enmity’, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. Paper title: ‘Is Jihadi terrorism a longing for organic identity?’. Belgrade, 24‒28 September 2016.
  • Conference ‘Transition without justice?’, Organized by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. Venue: Parliament of Vojvodina, Novi Sad. Conference on the Fatić-Bachmann book ‘The UN International War Crimes Tribunals: Transition without justice?. 22‒24 September 2016.
  • EBS University Business Summer School: ‘Successful Leadership in Europe’. Wiesbaden, Germany, 11–29 May 2015. Course: ‘Corporate and Institutional Culture in Transition Economies’, 26 May 2015.
  • 8th Annual Conference of the International Society for Military Ethics (EuroIsme). Military Academy, Belgrade, Serbia. 10–13 May 2015. Presentation title: ‘Ethics and authority in warfare’.
  • Conference: What Makes New Forms of Authoritarianism so Attractive? Rethinking the Shades between Authoritarian and Democratic Rule’. Organized by Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin and Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung and Center for Advanced Studies South Eastern Europe, 6–7 November, 2014. Presentation title: ‘Trust and solidarity in troubled communities’.
  • Organiser, 13th International Conference on Philosophical Practice, 15–18 August 2014, University of Belgrade. Presentation title: ‘What can Hegel contribute to philosophical practice?’
  • 13th International Law and Ethics Conference Series: ‘What does it mean to win a war?’, 25–27 June 2014, University of Belgrade. Presentation title: The value narrative in the moral justification of international intervention., or
  • EBS University of Law and Economics, Wiesbaden, Germany. Summer MBA School: Successful leadership in Europe, 12–39 May 2014. Course (9 classes): ‘Corruption in Transition Economies’.
  • Conference of the Croatian Philosophical Society, entitled: “Integrativno mišljenje i nova paradigma znanja” (‘The Integrative Thought and the New Paradigm of Knowledge’), 27–29 November 2013, Zagreb. Paper title: ‘Ascetic ethics as integrative ethics’.
  • Conference: ‘Sacred and social/political Freedom: The political dimension of religion’, organized by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, 22 November 2013. Paper title: ‘The politics of tolerance and the idea of a Christian Character’.
  • Inaugural Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia: ‘New challenges for democracy – Exploring the Crisis of Trust and Democratic Legitimacy in Europe‘. Rijeka, 16–18 October 2013. Presentation: ‘Trust in Europe’.
  • Conference: The 12th International Conference on Philosophical Practice, within the 23rd World Philosophy Congress. Athens, 4–10 August 2013. Paper title: ‘Projecting “the Good Life” in Philosophical Counseling’.
  • Conference: ‘The Wholy Mount Athos — the Unique Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Humanity’. Belgrade 23–26 June 2013. Paper title: ‘Ethics of the Good Life and Christian Ethics’.
  • Conference: ‘Enhancement: Cognitive, Moral and Mood’, Belgrade, 14–16 May 2013. Organisers: Centre for Bioethics Studies of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade and Oxford Centre for Neuroethics. Paper title: ‘The Intentionality of Madness: Checking the Cognitive Issues in DSM-based Diagnosis’.
  • Conference: ‘Ontology and Politics of Institutions’, Belgrade, Serbia, 6‒7 November 2012. Organiser: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, Session leader, discussant.
  • Conference: ‘Corruption and Social Development’, Belgrade, Serbia, 19–21 October 2012. Organiser: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. Paper title: ‘”External’ and “Internal” Strategies to Control Corruption’.
  • Conference: ‘Human Security’, Belgrade, Serbia, 13 December 2011. Organisers: Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki and Centre for Security Studies, Belgrade, funded by the Foreign Ministry of Finland. Paper title (joint with Markku Kivinen): ‘Russia, Serbia and Finland in an Energy Perspective’.
  • Round table: ‘Criminal Intelligence Ethics’, Belgrade, 13 December 2011. Organiser: Centre for Security Studies. Funded by the Swedish International Development Agency. Paper title: ‘Integrity of the Criminal Intelligence Analyst’.
  • Conference: ‘Policy Responses to Organised Crime in the Balkans’, Sofia, Bulgaria, 25–26 November, 2011. Organiser: RiskMonitor Foundation, Sofia. Paper title: ‘Policy Responses to Organised Crime in Serbia’.
  • Conference ‘Annual Conference of the Society for European Philosophy and Forum for European Philosophy’, York St. John University, York, 31August – 3 September 2011. Paper co-authored with Aleksandra Bulatović: ‘An Ethics of Sympathy?’.
  • Conference: ‘The ex-Yugoslav Republics 20 Years After: Prospects and Challenges’. Organisers: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) and Embassy of Slovenia to Finland. 14 September 2011. Venue: FIIA, Helsinki. Lecture: ‘The Ethics of a Russian-Serbian Energy Embrace’.
  • Workshop: ‘Environmental Security in the Balkans’. Organiser and venue: Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki, 15 September 2011. Paper (jointly with Prof. Markku Kivinen): ‘Energy Relations Between Russia and Serbia and Russia and Finland in a Theoretical Perspective’.
  • International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy, organized by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, 11–15 May 2011, Berlin. Paper with Srđan Korać: ‘Empathy in Diplomacy’.
  • Conference: ‘New Serbia, New NATO — Visions of the Future for the 21th Century’, Forum for Ethnic Relations, Trans-Conflict Serbia & Klub 21, Belgrade, 3–5 December 2010. Paper title: ‘The Geo-Strategic Environment of the Final Stage of NATO enlargement’.
  • Conference: ‘Social dimensions of soft insecurity’, Centre for Security Studies, Belgrade, 22–23 October 2010. Paper title: ‘Corruption and public power in the state institutions’. Panel moderation: ‘Serbia and Global International Organisations’.
  • Conference: ‘The role and place of Serbia in International Organisations’, 12–13 October 2010, Institute of International Politics and Economics and Hanns Seidel Stiftung, Belgrade. Introductory plenary lecture: ‘Challenges to Modern-Day Sovereignty: Soft Security Threats and Social Controls’.
  • Conference: “Prava i slobode” (‘Rights and Liberties’, in Serbian), Independent University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12 June 2010. Paper title: co-authorship with Mina Zirojević: „Prava i slobode u liberalnoj i komunitarnoj perspektivi“ (‘Rights and Liberties in the Liberal and Communitarian Perspectives’).
  • 2010 Association for the Study of Nationalities World Convention, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, 15–7 April 2010. Paper title: ‘Russia’s Foreign Policy “Infighting” in the Balkans’. Panel: ‘Russia and Europe’, 15 April 2010.
  • The 9th Garnet PhD School of the EU: ‘Global Governance, Regionalism and the Role of the EU: Changing Interactions with EU’s External Borders’, 7–11 December 2009. Venue: University of Wroclaw, Poland. Plenary lecture: ‘Promoting Stability and the Rule of Law in the Borderlands: The Balkans’, 9 December 2009.
  • ‘Security and Stability in Southeastern Europe’, conference organised by Hans Seidel Stiftung, 19–20 November 2009, Belgrade. Plenary lecture: ‘The Fight Against Organised Crime in Southeastern Europe: A Challenge for the State and Society’.
  • “Srbija i regionalne integracije” (‘Serbia and the regional integration’, in Serbian), conference organised by the Institute of International Politics and Economics and Hanns Seidel Stiftung, 15 June 2009, Venue: Institute of International Politics and Economics, Beograd, Serbia. Presentation title: “Strategijske odlike organizovanog kriminala” (‘The strategic features of organized cime’, in Serbian).
  • ‘Reforming the National Security Strategy of Serbia’, conference organized by the Academy of Diplomacy and Security, Belgrade, 30 January 2009. Presentation title: ‘The Rhetoric of Military Neutrality: Party Politics Instead of Substantive Security Discourse’.
  • ‘Anti-Organised Crime Policy’, international conference organised by the Centre for Security Studies in cooperation with Royal Swedish Government, 21–2 November 2008, Belgrade. Paper title: ‘The Tradition of Civil and Human Rights in the Context of Modern Criminal Intelligence Policy’.
  • ‘Modern Nationalism: Its European and Balkan Dimensions’, international conference organized by The New Bulgarian University and the Institute for History of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, 23–24 November 2007. Paper title: ‘Political Violence and Nation-Building’.
  • ‘Serbia and Japan in the Age of Globalisation’, international conference organised by Kobe University, Japan and the Institute of International Politics and Economics, Beograd. Venue: Institute of International Politics and Economics, Beograd, 25–6 September 2007. Paper title: ‘Security as an Issue of Coherence’.
  • ‘Security without states, states without security’, brainstorming conference on the privatisation of security and intelligence, Italian Centre for International Perspectives & European Strategic Intelligence and Security Centre, Brussels, 30 March 2007. Participation in the debate on intelligence in crisis regions.
  • International Relations Directors’ conference: ‘Is the EU’s role as a global player fated to grow or diminish?’, organised by the Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw, 8–9 September 2006. Presentation: ‘Issues for Leadership in a Changing Research Climate’.
  • ‘Looking Beyond the Horizon 2006: Senior Leadership Conference’, organised by the Multilateral Academy in Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23–25 June 2006. Presentation: ‘The Kosovo Crisis as a Leadership Issue’.
  • Guest lecture: ‘Kosovo and Metohija in the Context of the New Security Threats in Europe’, The Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, 23 March 2006.
  • Roundtable “Balkanske zemlje kao emigraciono, tranzitno i imigraciono područje prema Evropskoj uniji” (‘The Balkan countries as an emigration, transit and immigration area towards the European Union’, in Serbian), Venue: Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, 24 January 2006.. Organisers: Institute of International Politics and Economics, Group 484 and the European Movement in Serbia. Presentation title: “Šverc ljudi kao forma organizovanog kriminala” (‘Human trafficking as a form of organised crime’, in Serbian).
  • “Norveska, Slovenija i SCG: zajedno u NATO“ (‘Norway, Slovenia and Serbia-Montenegro Together in NATO’), organized by the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Embassy of Slovenia in Beograd, Embassy of Norway in Belgrade and the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Venue: Faculty of Political Science, Beograd, 23 February 2006. Presentation title: ‘Weathering the Legacy of Confrontation in Mutual Relations’.
  • Conference: “Izazovi izveštavanja o policiji” (‘Challenges of Reporting on the Police’), organised by the Journalists’ Association of Serbia in cooperation with the Swiss Cooperation Office, Beograd. Venue: Journalists’ Association of Serbia, 4 March 2006. Presentation title: “Policijska strategija u borbi protiv oganizovanog kriminala” (‘The Main Pointers in the Police Strategy of Addressing Organised Crime’, in Serbian).
  • Conference: ‘Second India–Serbia and Montenegro Dialogue’, organised by Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade & Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. Venue: Institute of International Politics and Economics, Beograd, 9–10 June 2004. Presentation: ‘The Role and Structure of Organised Crime in Southeastern Europe’.
  • Conference to mark 200 Years of the Customs Service in Serbia, Customs Directorate, Belgrade, 25 May 2004. Plenary lecture: ‘Introducing the EU’s Concept of Organised Crime in the Serbian Customs Service’.
  • Centre for Security Studies, Belgrade, in cooperation with the British Embassy to Serbia, international security conference: ‘Security in Southeastern Europe’, Belgrade, 22–5 April 2004. Plenary lecture: ‘Combating organised crime in Serbia’.
  • Antony’s College, Oxford, plenary lecture: ‘Political Violence as a Reflection of Identity-Frustration in the Balkans’, Conference: ‘National Histories in Southeastern Europe’, 31 January 2004.
  • Antony’s College, Oxford, plenary lecture: ‘Serbian Testing Grounds for the Concept of Organised Crime’, jointly with Misha Glenny on the overhead topic on ‘Informality in the Balkans’, 29 January 2004.
  • Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics: Seminar: ‘The Assassination of the Serbian Prime Minister Đinđić and Reform of the Serbian Secret Police’, 4. November 2003.
  • ‘Globalisation and the Balkans’ ­― LSE Workshop: In Search of a New Methodological Approach, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics, 29–30 November 2003. Presentation: ‘Criminal Syndicate as a Para-State in the Balkans’.
  • Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sphere, Workshop by the OECS and the Turkish Government, Istanbul; Official Expert Representative of Serbia.
  • High Level Forum on Implementing Conflict of Interest Policies in Government and the Public Sector, OECD and the Government of the Czech Republic, Prague, 24–5 November 2003. Presentation: ‘Public Administration Ethics as a Basis for Legislation’.
  • ‘Managing Conflict of Interest — From Policy to Practice’, Workshop by the OECD, Zagreb, Croatia, 12–3 May 2003, official expert representative of Serbia.
  • Conference: ‘Crossing Borders in South-Eastern Europe’, St. Antony’s College, Oxford, 17–8 May 2003. Presentation: ‘Corruption as a Hindrance to Regional Cooperation’. Panel coordination and moderation: Strengthening Regional Cooperation in South Eastern Europe.
  • Conference: ‘Perspectives of European Integration in South-Eastern Europe’, Centre for International Studies, University of Montenegro under the auspices of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe. Venue: Law Faculty, University of Montenegro, 24–6 January, 2003. Presentation: ‘A Criminological Perspective on Social Stability’.
  • European Panel 2002: Reforms for a social Europe — Perspectives on the work of the EU Convention. Venue: European Trade Union Confederation, Brussels, 5–6 November 2002.
  • The Second International South-East Europe Review Symposium. Organiser: South-East Europea Review, Hans Böckler Stiftung & Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Knokke Heist, Belgium, 2–4 November 2002. Plenary lecture: ‘Corruption as a Hindrance to Regional Cooperation’.
  • International Conference: ‘Establishing efficient tools o prevent and fight corruption in Serbia’. Organisers: OESCE Mission to FRY and the Serbian Ministry of Finance and Economy, Belgrade, 25–26 October 2002. Presentation: ‘a Is There Such a Thing as Criminology of Corruption?’.
  • Conference: ‘Organised crime and security in Serbia’, organised by the Centre for Security Studies, Belgrade, 24 September 2002. Presentation: ‘How Does Modern Theoretical Criminology Lend Itself to Interpreting Organised Crime?’.
  • International conference: ‘Unconventional Security and the Role of the Partnership for Peace Programme’, organised by the Institute of International Politics and Economics, and NATO Headquarters, Bussels, held in Belgrade, 10 June 2002. Opening lecture: ‘Conventional and Unconventional — ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Security: Making the Distinction’.
  • International conference: ‘South-Eastern Europe and EU Enlargement’, organised by Institute of European Studies, Queen’s University, Belfast; School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London; Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Rumunija. Venue: Babes-Boylai Univerity, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 16–18 September 2001. Plenary lecture: ‘The Criminological Aspects of Transitional Crises’.
  • International conference: ‘One year after NATO bombardments in Yugoslavia’, organiser: Institute of Political and Economic Research, Bukurest, Romania, 23–4 June 2000. Presentation: ‘Ethnicity as a power phenomenon: The Balkans at a crossroads of nationalisms’, published in the journal Sfera, Bukurest, no. 2, October 2000., pp. 12–5 (format A–3).
  • International conference: „Balkan security ¾ Visions of the future, organised by the: School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 16–7 June 2000. Presentation: ‘Stability and Corruption in South-Eastern Europe’.
  • International conference ‘EUROCONFERENCE: Democracy beyond the nation state: Perspectives on a post-national order’, organised by the Hellenic Political Science Association & the European Commission, Athens, 5–7 October 2000. Presentation ‘Human Rights and International Sanctions: Towards a Participatory Interpretation of Democratic Change’.
  • International conference: ‘International sanctions: An incentive, or punishment’, organised by the International Relations Association, Belgrade, 20–21. March 2000. Presentation: “Sankcije i unutrašnja nestabilnost” (‘Sanctions and Internal Instability’, in Serbian).
  • Conference „Kopaonička škola prirodnog prava“ (‘The Kopaonik School of Natural Law’), organised by the Yugoslav Lawyers’ Association, Kopaonik, December 1997. Presentation: „Država, pravda i društvena kontrola“ (‘The State, Justice, and Social Controls’, in Serbian).
  • International diplomatic seminar: ‘Conflict-resolution in South-Eastern Europe’, organised by the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), and the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). Venue: Naphlion, Greece, 1996. Presentation title: ‘The Fundamentals of Practical Reconciliation’.
  • International conference: ‘Politics and ethics: Dilemmas of modernity’, session: ‘Justice, care and solidarity’, organised by the Czech Academy of Sciences, Venue: Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, May 1995. Presentation: ‘Towards a Trust-Utilitarianism in Criminal Justice’.
  • International conference: ‘Epistemology and ethics’, organiser: Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik. Venue: Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, May 1991. Lecture title: ‘On bi-directional justification’.