U časopisu Synthesis Philosophica izašao je drugi po redu temat sa tekstovima renomiranih filozofskih savetnika koji sam imao priliku da uredim.
Ceo broj se može pročitati ovde.
Prethodni temat na istu temu, sa drugim radovima uticajnih praktičnih filozofa i psihoterapeuta, može se pronaći na istom sajtu “Hrčak”, u poslednjem broju Synthesis Philosophica za 2020. godinu.
The Synthesis Philosophica journal has published a second thematic block with papers by renowned philosophical counselors, which I have had the opportunity to guest edit.
The whole set of papers can be accessed free of charge here.
The previous thematic block with different papers by influential practical philosophers and psychotherapists can also be found on the same “Hrčak” site, in the last number of Synthesis Philosophica for 2020.
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