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About Aleksandar

sasafaticAleksandar is a behavioral philosopher who studies sociality, community-building and ethics. He has roughly 30 years of experience teaching across the world and participating in major research and policy projects, including teaching security and police ethics, professional ethics and public policy ethics in anticorruption policy, theories and practices of institutional punishment, participating in projects of private prison reform and depenalization of penal systems. He is also the founder of Modal Integrative Psychotherapy, a unique psychotherapeutic method based on modal logic, and is a Fellow and Certified Philosophical Practitioner of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association. Aleksandar is Director of the Institute for Practical Humanities in Belgrade, where he has developed the Modal Integrative Psychotherapy modality and coordinates the training of psychotherapist. Within the same organization, Aleksandar and his colleagues work on developing social and global ethics interpretations and principles applicable to public policy, with a special focus on education. He is the author of numerous books and papers published in various parts of the world. His full CV and bibliography can be accessed as a separate page on this website.

More recently Aleksandar focuses on the issues of community-building in universities and the dynamics of organic communities, which he sees as communities where interpersonal relationships are not, or need not be, mediated by institutional guarantees. He is interested in the issues of maximizing trust, solidarity and empathy and in the role of social emotions in facilitating community-building at various levels.